Father’s Day Gifts on a Budget

Editorial Note:

Last  Updated: May 10, 2023

Families in the United States celebrate Father’s Day every year in June, on the third Sunday. It’s that time again, and the D-day is approaching fast. It’s when we all must show and remind our dads and grandpas that they are near and dear to our hearts. 

Not even the challenging economic times can be the perfect excuse for failing to be thoughtful. There is a way for you to get your dad Father’s Day gifts on a budget. Read on to find out how.

Father’s Day Celebration in 2024

Father’s Day Spending Statistics

NRF’s annual Father’s Day survey shows that 76% of Americans celebrated last year’s holiday. The number is the same as in the previous year. Nevertheless, the average expected spending increased dramatically compared to 2020. On average, Americans spent $171.79 per person on Father’s Day celebrations in 2022 and $174.10 in 2021 (in 2020, the number was $148.58). The total expected spending was around $20B in 2021 and 2022 (as compared to $17B in 2020). Let’s find out how not to be a part of these statistics and get Father’s Day gifts on a budget.

The Budget that Saves for Father’s Day

When making plans for a holiday, it is the budget that counts. As you approach Father’s Day, determine how much you can spend. Ensure your budget is realistic and workable; not too high, nor too low. Remember to begin in advance if you consider getting Father’s Day gifts on a budget.

Watch out for Discounts and Offers Days to Father’s Day

Rush hours are just what they are. Don’t fall for that. Weeks into Father’s Day, all you have to do is watch out for great deals. Look for someone who offers you;

  • Free shipping.
  • Product returns.
  • Gift wrapping.

Study the Sales Cycles

Studying the sales cycles allows you to buy certain items at quite a fair amount of cash. When stores make room for new inventory, they sell the old stock at discounted prices and great offers. Find out when the gift you’d choose as Father’s Day appears on the market, and go for it. You stand a chance to spend less for value.

Make Use of Coupons

Google search tools can help you get access to available coupons. If you are a loyal store customer, frequently check your email and emails for coupons. At the supermarket, you can ask for spare coupons from the cashier. You might be lucky enough to get one.

Watch out for Free Shipping Offers

Some retailers always offer free shipping in their incentives list if you hit a specific amount. You can use the free shipping offers with a credit card shopping board.

Cut on Gift Wrapping Costs

You do not always have to spend on gift wrapping. That’s because some retailers do it at no cost. But in case you are not lucky to get the offer, you can improvise by;

  • Re-using a gift wrapper that you happened to have used on a previous occasion.
  • Making use of a gift bag you used during a previous holiday.

Take as Much Time as Possible When Shopping Online

When you visit an online store, there’s a lot for you to choose from. Therefore, you must check out the deals and add your choices to the cart. Let them sit there for a while so that you can get enticing discounts from the retailer. They will serve to woo you so that you check out fast.

Purchase Gift Cards using Points

If you are enrolled in loyalty programs, you can consider redeeming your points to buy gift cards. Credit cards often provide the option of purchasing gift cards using points you manage to collect in your account. However, it’s not worth it since they offer low redeeming rates or non-effective cashback.

Let’s say you have enough points to get your dad Father’s Day gifts on a budget and don’t know how to spend them. Then it may not be a bad idea to redeem your points to get gift cards.

Make the Most of Your Purchase

  • Some credit card portals link to online shopping sites. Therefore, these links can earn you rewards by using your credit cards.
  • You can get your cashback whenever you purchase using cashback sites and apps.
  • Some stores support debit card cashback. You can check out whether the stores around you support that.
  • The Cash Back Monitor in shopping portals is an excellent tool for helping you get deals.
  • Apple Pay users get cashback on their transactions whenever they use the service. So if you are an Apple Pay user, remember to sign up for the service.

Gift Ideas for Father’s Day Gifts on a Budget

While Father’s Day is a big day, you don’t have to strain to get that “big” Father’s Day gift. Some precious gifts are not even bought; they do not cost fortunes if they are. Some of them are homemade and therefore cost nothing at all.

The following is a list of Father’s Day gifts on a budget you can work with. Remember to minimize the risk when choosing the choicest gift for your dad during COVID-19.

Gifts that Cost Almost Nothing

  • Consider a Do-it-Yourself (DIY) gift. This could be your custom-made card or photo book. Get more DIY ideas on the internet for your dad’s present.
  • Family virtual meetup. You can set up Zoom or any online conference software for a virtual party on Father’s Day. Let every family member attend the virtual party.
  • Dad’s day out. Dads love going out fishing, grilling, and camping too.
  • Prepare Dad’s favourite meal. Spare some time to make that delicious old recipe your dad loves.
  • Hold a family game night. Board games are a fantastic way for the whole family to have fun. Letting Dad win is a nice Father’s Day treat.
  • Watch movies together. How about watching a movie that your Father enjoys? You can do that at home, in the living room with the whole family, or the movie theatre.
  • Give your dad a break. Mowing the lawn and caring for the garden might be Dad’s duties. Why not let him take some rest while basking in the sun? An extra hand will afford him some relaxation time which is vital for his health.
  • Be the technician. You can help your Father configure his mobile apps, set up his accounts, or fix a blinking light on a microwave.
  • Engage with him in his hobby: Taking part in your Father’s hobby will thrill your dad and enhance your bond. If it’s an activity you are not accustomed to, he will enjoy teaching it. 

Father’s Day Gift for Less than $100

  • Specialty Equipment: If your Father likes to work on his automobile or backyard, a specialty tool like a housing cutter can be a choice gift for him. You can as well replace one of his old tools.
  • An Online Study. You can enroll your dad in an online course merging with his field of passion while spending only $100 or below. 
  • A Hotchpotch Kit. A good shaker and cocktail book doesn’t cost much and will allow your dad to channel his inner mixologist this summer, positively contributing to his health.
  • A tech friend. The Tile Bluetooth Tracker is a perfect alternative, considering how forgetful parents can get as they age. A little help in finding lost items is a great initiative.

The Bottom Line from FFG

Father’s Day is an occasion that allows you to celebrate your Father’s contribution to your life. Your love for your dad or grandfather is priceless and irreplaceable. Sometimes, the best gift to offer can cost you nothing. 

However, if you plan to spend some money to purchase a gift, you can still get a Father’s Day gift on a budget. With the tips already shared, you can find the right present that fits your budget.

Ekaterina Redko

I have always wanted to live a full life without stressing out about money. After finishing university, I started work and soon realized that my salary didn’t match the kind of life I wanted. I took a side hustle, hoping it would make me wealthier – it didn’t. I still had to live paycheck to paycheck. Why? I wanted to figure this out and did it.

The truth is that it is not the amount of money that makes you wealthy, but the way you manage it.  My problem was the lack of proper spending habits and discipline with money. I created a  budget and started saving. Budgeting took me a lot of time and effort, but that was worth it.

Now I understand that how much you save is way more important than how much you earn. Saving is one of the core principles of building wealth and achieving financial independence.

With Financial Freedom Guru, I’d like to share my knowledge and experience of managing money and building wealth. I hope that together we’ll manage to pave the way towards Financial Freedom.

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